Developing the skills of female home economics students in artistic works by using technological media

Document Type : Original Article


Fayoum university faculty of educational quality


Abstract:The field of curriculum development is a vital matter for everyone related to the education process, and some people may think that this matter needs a teacher specializing in curricula without others working in the field of education, but in fact is that every educational leadership at any level needs to study this field in consideration Understanding it and realizing its content is the way to transfer thought to the level of application and in research, the researcher used technological means to revive the folklore to develop the skills of female students of home economics to enrich clothing supplements and thus produce innovative pieces ready for marketing, which could be the nucleus of small projects that contribute to local economic development. The importance of the research was 1- dealing with the elements and symbols of folk art in the field of artistic works as a fertile field of arts. 2- An attempt to develop the artistic works course to reach students to a level commensurate with the labor market. 3- Take advantage of manual work that opens up areas for female graduates in the labor market, which contributes to solving the problem of unemployment and community development 4- Encouraging specialists to introduce everything new to enrich academic courses and keep away from repetition. The objectives of the research include: 1- The study contributes to developing the skills aspects of students towards folk art through technological means 2- Providing students with the skills that qualify them to face the job market after graduation and the limits of research: The current research is limited to human boundaries: the fourth year 25 students in the Department of Home Economics Faculty of Specific Education - Fayoum University Spatial borders: Embroidery Lab - Faculty of Specific Education - Fayoum University Temporal limits: for the academic year 2017-2018 Research sample: An exploratory sample of 10 female students to implement the exploratory experience, a basic sample of 25 female students in the Department of Home Economics - Faculty of Specific Education - Fayoum University for the academic year 2017-2018
The researcher used the quasi-experimental approach "designing one experimental group" in order to identify the extent of the effect of the independent variable "on the dependent variables."Among the most important results of the study: 1- The aim of the research is to revive the folklore and the motifs and motifs it contains by using technological media


Main Subjects

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