Research summary entitled: The most important methods and techniques used to photograph museum collections (Applied to heritage museums)

Document Type : Original Article


Academy of Arts


Talking about the most important methods and techniques used to photograph museum collections (by applying to heritage museums) was not a simple matter, as the heritage and its topics are complex and varied and of great value because heritage is our cultural heritage across generations and heritage museums are multiple types and different forms that have preserved and maintained day after day on the birth and intellectual prosperity He is an artist of high standing, and therefore we have spotted some of the important points to be of help in how we portray heritage topics inside museums, as they must go out to the public in general, whether ordinary visitors, tourists from outside the country, or researchers in a real field reality as if they feel, touch and live inside the museum, and this can only happen through operations. Monitoring and important documentation that justifies the main reason and significance of expressing the heritage of our country from a review of inscriptions, drawings, pictures and shapes in a well-studied artistic and technical way, and the use of modern techniques and methods in photographing museum collections as an important documentary tool is what confirms and achieves this despite the different materials from which the holdings are made. The study has shown that each type A method of photography and problems that are different from others are acquired. These techniques include the importance of light and shadow and the use of a house Lighting and cables that increase optical sensitivity while raising the sensitivity itself and employing photographic angles and sizes of shots both in place and taking into account distances and the possibility of using light sources or not, how and when, taking into account the place and the presence of the possessor All this achieves the artistic, aesthetic and technical impact that helps the feeling and perception of the collector and its expression and presentation more Discipline and importance, as well as employing technologies for Android devices because of their value in employing one of the technical developments within the imaging sciences and highlighting the potentials that did not exist before, and we came out of that with a set of results and recommendations


Main Subjects

  1. المراجع:

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    5-     9 اکتوبر 2019

    9 October 2019