paintings and illustrations in genealogy manuscripts in the Ottoman age, An archaeological artistic study

Document Type : Original Article


Islamic archeology , faculty of archeology , luxor univeristy


The study interested in Islamic painting and Ottoman manuscripts, namely the paintings of genealogy manuscripts, in which the lineage is proven and documented from the origins and branches and has historical significance, where it is a reliable record in history, documentation and study of antiquities in addition to its religious importance, and documenting the lineage of the Prophet, al-Bayt and the genealogy of Arab tribes, and requires their knowledge to clarify some Islamic matters, the artistic aspect of this study is interested in focusing on the subjects such as stories related to the beginning of the creation and the Prophet lineage Many artistic styles have appeared in these manuscripts to facilitate understanding, clarification and explanation of the contents of manuscripts, one of them was the mind maps with its components which consists of ideas and keywords and the use of geometric shapes ,lines, arrows, and circles, and use of colors and painting which creation from the imagination of the artist, as religious and historical figures in ancient times not contemporary by the artist, and features that also appeared the use of bright colors with symbolism and the use of new techniques for decoration and innovative designs of family trees, as well as wrapping the text with forms to give comfort to the eye and the vague explanation of the reader, and concluded the study with the results of which concluded that the idea of mind maps appeared in Islamic and Ottoman manuscripts with its elements that were addressed centuries before the knowledge of the west and the establishment of their own science.


Main Subjects

القرآن الکريم .
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