The role of gamification in achieving persuasion for the recipient of the interactive advertisement

Document Type : Original Article


advertising,high institute of applied art, 6 October , Egypt


With the development of the era, the visual experience of the recipient developed in all areas and his mind became aware of irrational ideas. We are in the age of technology and the Internet, and thus the recipient receives many visual and audio messages that affect his attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. Therefore, advertisers are looking for innovative, unconventional ways to deliver the advertising message.
It is no longer a secret how electronic games, due to the excitement, incentives, enjoyment and rewards they contain, managed to seize the recipient's attention and distract him from others.
Therefore, gamification began and how to apply it in advertising to convince the recipient subconsciously of the advertised product or service, which leads to persuasion, as gamification is characterized by three main parts, which are the activity that focuses on the goal, the reward mechanisms, and the follow-up of progress, which creates attraction, fun and entertainment.
It is a new term derived from the word game, which means transferring the mechanisms and mechanisms of games to other non-entertainment fields with the aim of solving problems or improving the level so that they are more fun and interesting, such as games.
Therefore, the research problem stems from the failure to activate the role of gamification in achieving the persuasion of the recipient of the interactive advertisement, and how to move his consciousness subconsciously to be convinced of the advertising message, and the research aimed to activate the role of gamification in interactive advertising to achieve persuasion and direct the Egyptian institutions' view of this role, which helps in obtaining the highest degree of response. By the recipient, then access to the results of the study, the most important of which is that gamification creates an emotional state in the recipient that moves him subconsciously so that it is more fun and interesting, which leads to persuasion.


Main Subjects

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