Heritage Protection Methods And Semantics In The Advertising Design

Document Type : Original Article


International Academy of Engineering and Media Sciences (Media Production City - October)Information Sciences Division - Department of Advertising Production


Heritage is what all grandparents left behind to be a bridge from the past we pass from present to future, that heritage in civilization is like the roots in the tree, whenever it sank and branched the tree was stronger and able to face the vicissitudes of time, that there is no civilization without heritage, this made heritage optimally protection and preservation for future generations is a national and international necessity. Heritage includes monuments, buildings and places, as well as customs, traditions, sciences, literature and arts and so on, it differs from one nation to another, and from one nationality to another, but it unites in a basic unit, the continuity. that the heritage is the core of sustainable development, so it should be protected and pass it on to future generations to ensure its development; that it helps to understand the past and enhances the physical and spiritual well-being of individuals. The country that does not care to protect its heritage would be devoid of its national content, and cut off from the context of its civilization, where the zero point, that the heritage is identity, and without it nations will fade away and disintegrating internally, it may merge into one of the strong world civilization and cultural currents, which the majority panting strongly behind. The process of transferring heritage to contemporary generations is not easy, that the possibility of distorting heritage values is one of the most prominent dangers facing it; because of the cultural invasion the arab countries are exposed to, and bringing new cultural values related to western civilization. Then it had to be there many advertising campaigns that supporting and protecting heritage, locally and internationally, be it in a direct way or indirectly, this is with a focus on starch children and youth as elements that are more affected by what is presented to them externally before internally, then it was necessary to try making them stick to their heritage, which is an important factor in preserving cultural diversity in the face of increasing cultural globalization, helps dialogue between cultures and encourages respect for the other.


Main Subjects

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