Preserving and valuing the local heritage through the role of cultural and tourism associations in the Beni Ourtilane region (Algéria)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of architecture, Faculty of technology, University of Bejaia, Algeria

2 Assistant Professor, Department of architecture, Faculty of technology, University of Bejaia, Algeria


Algeria abounds in a great cultural diversity. This requires the concerted efforts of many actors to protect and enhance it. In addition to the important role played by official government institutions, a network of local cultural and tourist associations begins to take an interest in this area and are seeking to develop it in accordance with the local needs of the population. These associations have emerged over the last three decades.
This research paper focuses on the role of this type of association in the region of Beni ourtilane, located in the extreme northwest of the wilaya of Sétif in Algeria, during the period 2012-2020. In this work, we will attempt to study them quantitatively and qualitatively by presenting their activities and experiences and the roles they play in the valorisation of local heritage and the dynamisation of cultural action in the region.
From a methodological point of view, tools were used in order to obtain the greatest possible amount of data that could be used to formulate the subject. The research techniques used were interviewing, observation and statistical analysis. In addition, previous sources interested in the cultural heritage of the Beni Ourtilane region and its history were used.
To formulate the research paper, a drafting plan included the following basic elements:
-Presentation of the region of Beni ourtilane (geographically and administratively) and description of aspects of its cultural and touristic characteristics,
- Presentation of the associative network of the region of Beni Ourtilane and showing the place of tourist and cultural associations among all the associations that compose it (quantitative study).
- Presentation of the activities supervised by the local tourist and cultural associations of the Beni Ourtilane region.
- Presentation of certain elements on the longevity of cultural and tourist associations and the effect it has on their activities.
- Presentation of the place of the preservation and enhancement of local heritage among the objectives of cultural and tourist associations in Beni Ourtilane.
- Presentation of the nature and characteristics of the material and human resources of cultural and tourist associations in Beni Ourtilane.
- Presentation of the obstacles and challenges faced by cultural and tourist associations in the field of heritage preservation and development.
- General conclusion and recommendations of some lines of research on other aspects of the subject and recommendations concerning the improvement of the roles played by cultural and tourist associations in Beni Ourtilane.


Main Subjects

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[1]  لتوثيق قائمة المراجع تم اعتماد طريقة شيکاقوB في نسختها السابعة عشر (17). و قد استقينا القواعد الخاصة بها من موقع جامعة مريال الکندية وهو متوفرة على الرابط التالي:
[2] S.d : sans date أي مصدر بدون تاريخ