“Figure Structural systems analysis of King Tutankhamun's Holdings to enrich the design of contemporary Egyptian jewelry”

Document Type : Original Article


Mansoura University


“Figure Structural systems analysis of King Tutankhamun's
Holdings to enrich the design of contemporary
Egyptian jewelry”

The jewelry of the Eighteenth Dynasty is considered one of the most brilliant successes of the ancient Egyptian civilization, as that civilization was rich in artistic and plastic values that included many creative visions that astonished the whole world, with the diversity of its ideas and the accuracy and ingenuity of its quality, as the ancient Egyptian artist dealt with various materials that reflected his ability On the synthesis of raw materials and his creative idea of adapting their properties, and his ability to shape skills and accurately implement his operations.

Where the Egyptian artist presented a set of creative ideas targeting aesthetic and ideological values that were inspired by the nature of life, circumstances, and political and social events that he was living in. And it emerged in a massive way that differed and surpassed what was provided by all the world's civilizations, which made it an immortal and unique name referred to as the greatness of performance.

The theoretical framework of the research focuses on the possibility of uncovering the structural systems in the jewelry of King Tutankhamun, using the descriptive and analytical method, and using them in designing metal jewelry of a contemporary Egyptian character, characterized by the diversity in the plastic formulas, the general features of that civilization and the creative patterns it contains in structural shape and cultural background. The study dealt with the most basic features of the element distribution formulas. And the study of its expressive and plastic bodies, as well as the methods of surface treatment in its various forms, and provided an analysis through which the systems of structural the figure were clarified, using some compilations of King Tutankhamun's jewelry to reveal the basics of structure shape in each of them, and try to reveal its connection with expressive and functional aspects, and the extent of the connection of beliefs And social customs in the distribution of those systems in light of the application of the rules and calculations of the golden proportions, and the mutual relationship between structural units and the application of their employment according to the aesthetic and functional dimensions of the human body.


Main Subjects

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