A historical vision of artistic entrepreneurship

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of art education


Entrepreneurship is a type of intellectual, administrative and economic arts, and anyone can become a pioneer in the business sector. Artistic entrepreneurship has several important roles in the economic, social and historical sectors, and entrepreneurship has an important role in the creative capacity of artistic crafts in various artistic fields. There are many types of artistic entrepreneurship that differ in varying degrees that differ between the individual and the other, the historical artistic leadership possesses the owner of the talent, and it is an indication of the skills used to produce products, goods or works of art over time, and it carries aesthetic qualities and values ​​within the definitions and characteristics of it such as: skill - craft Intuition - simulation.
The leadership of artistic projects has different methods of marketing its artistic products throughout history, so the artist is that innovator with ideas alien to tradition, and is ahead of his time, and people make him look like a madman, given the distinction of his ideas, but in reality he is the most imaginative and a sense of raw material and artistic work that he formulates and produces. The pioneering artist is the pillar of civilization and the efficient leader of the locomotive of development, so his entry into any practical or scientific field may transform him from the reasonable world to the unreasonable world, and he can intuition and predict the future through his transparency, inspiration, high feelings, and his ability to read things in life, and on this he formulates his artistic production according to us. It corresponds to the era in which he lives, and whatever his tools and materials available are simple and primitive, he can make and form a great artistic production that contributes to the rise of the craft or profession continuously over time, giving him the opportunity to market his product and his artistic work, which leads to the establishment of artistic pioneering projects Small or very small and increases the value of the product technically and materially, and makes it more keen to develop the entrepreneurial project and the artistic producer continuously throughout history.


Main Subjects

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