Typography and its role in enriching the form in advertising design

Document Type : Original Article


The High Institute Of Applied Arts - Fifth Settlement


Typography is an essential element in the design of advertising campaigns that draw attention to the formative aesthetics that make advertising full of vitality and movement. Undoubtedly, unconventional patterns have the ability to achieve results more than traditional patterns. Typography is characterized by aesthetics and visual affects many, whether they are used for reading and understanding or for the purpose of aesthetics only. It is one of the most important elements that once used in the design of advertising campaigns precisely in order to achieve the optical communication feature to be achieved. In view of the changes and updates we are experiencing that have had a great impact on the designer on the one hand and on the recipient and his awareness of topography on the other hand, the designer is distanced from employing topography in his advertising campaigns and is directed to design using shapes and colors, despite the flexibility that the typography has without limits in formation enriches Advertising campaigns design.
Keywords: (Advertising campaigns - Typography - Shape)
Research problem:
The research problem is to try to answer the following questions:
1. Why is typography not receiving enough attention and focus despite its plastic aesthetics that can put it at the fore?
Elements of attraction within the design of advertising campaigns?
2. Is it possible to study and employ innovative styles of typography to serve the design of advertising campaigns and the achievement of goals?
Communicative and aesthetic?
3. Is it possible to obtain advertisements based mainly on the study and employment of typography in their ideas?
research importance:
1. It is noted the scarcity of scientific studies specialized in designing advertising campaigns of a typographical nature.
2. Most of the specialized scientific studies are limited to the study of text typography, not design typography.
3. Most of the advertising campaign designers have moved away from interest in typography in designing advertising campaigns, despite what typography offers.
From plastic and functional aesthetics.
research aims :
1. The research aims to study the role of typography in designing the idea of ​​an advertising campaign as an innovative visual language to take advantage of its aesthetic and plastic values ​​that enrich advertising, and to achieve communicative and aesthetic goals at the same time.
2. Identify the reasons for the shortcomings in using typography in designing modern advertising campaigns.
Research Methodology :
1. The analytical descriptive approach
2. The experimental approach


Main Subjects

  1. §        المراجع :
  2. أولاً : المراجع باللغة العربية :

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    ثانياً: المراجع باللغة الانجليزية :

    1. G.Knight, J. Glaser,When Typography Speaks Louder Than Words,2012.
    2. Bringhurst, Robert (), The Elements of Typographic Style, version 3.1. Canada: Hartley & Marks, p. 32, 2005.
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    ثالثاً: مواقع الانترنت :

    1. www.smashingmagazine.com/2012/04/when-typography-speaks-louder-than-words/#mnee