Employing Islamic Heritage in the Interior Design of Tourism Facilities in the Arab World

Document Type : Original Article


applied art Helwan university


Research Summary:
Heritage has an effective and influential role for tourism development in the Arab world. As heritage is the visual language expressing civilizations between the Arab world and the Western world, and heritage is a means of tourist attraction to the Arab world, and a tool of art that emphasizes Arab identity and urban originality.
The interior designer plays an effective role to emphasize the Arab-Islamic identity, promote Islamic culture, and enhance the culture of visual communication to preserve originality and affirm the Islamic character, which in turn helps to promote tourism development by attracting tourists to learn about Islamic heritage and push it to interact with the surrounding community, as tourism has a direct link And indirectly, the economic, social and cultural development in Arab countries because of their impact on national income, creating job opportunities, stimulating trade, and affirming cultural exchange between the Arab world and the Western world.
Islamic architecture is a distinctive style that has special characteristics in its elements that distinguish it from other styles, and it is one of the most wonderful types of architecture, as it has been characterized by the multiplicity of its aspects through the ages that it has gone through, and from here the elements of the Islamic heritage must be revived in distinctive artistic designs for tourist facilities in Egypt and the Arab world that meet the needs and requirements of the environment.
The architectural character is a reflection of civilizations in the Arab world in various historical stages. These civilizations were the product of interactions that combine religious, environmental, cultural, social and other influences of society in the surrounding environment.
The relationship of the interior designer with the surrounding environment must be continuous and reflected in his designs in order to preserve his originality, his designs must be a reflection of his cultural heritage to achieve belonging and interaction with the surrounding community in order to create a design compatible with the environment that works to attract tourists.


Main Subjects

  1. المراجع :

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    مواقع الإنترنت

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