The role of the Printmaking in preserving the identity and facing future conditions and challenges

Document Type : Original Article


Graphic department fine arts Alexandria university


Summary :
Plastic arts, with their development and richness, will continue to be the most visible picture of defining the identity of the civilization of every people. We the Arabs, created this civilization, which began to grow and develop through many transformations that left their traces visible on our land. These antiquities have carried distinctive and unifying characteristics throughout history that have defined the features of national identity through art. Printmaking is one of the most important tributaries of art, and there is a constant endeavor to awaken the artistic performances of printing and to try to evaluate their trends and facilitate their practices in order to update that art with a modernization linked to national identity.What made the artists of printmaking in a constant endeavor towards reviving the traditional printmaking techniques and trying to develop them and find solutions to the problems of working with them, especially in light of the circumstances and challenges facing.

One of the most important problems facing artists of printmaking in light of the reality in which we live is the spirit of speed in the age and keeping pace with development .The more the spirit of the age is overwhelmed by the new technical aspect, the more the artist's identity, sensitivity and interaction with the media and materials he deals with becomes lost.
In addition to what he is going through in terms of life circumstances and developments, hence the problem of research in the constant pursuit of everything new, different and available from the materials and media with which the artists of printmaking and there are other challenges facing the artists of printmaking and the problems of working with it, whether those problems are specific to the nature of the artist and the conditions he is going through and living. or what happens to our societies in terms of events and difficulties that we must live with and keep abreast of and find simple and easy solutions to deal with them and work on them.


Main Subjects

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