Innovation in interior design between the trauma of civilization and the emphasis on identity (Basuna Mosque, Suhag Governorate, Arab Republic of Egypt)

Document Type : Original Article


applied arts


This research paper revolves around how to benefit from the artistic and architectural trends and movements in the West due to the great progress in science and thought, and we are now in the process of rebuilding our civilization, especially in new cities, with an emphasis on our identity in the face of this colossal midst of Western trends, so several concepts such as Creativity and heritage, emphasizing identity, then the concept of community heritage and how to preserve it.
Creativity in its simplest form is transforming new ideas and imaginative ideas into reality, then touching on the concept of heritage, which is defined as the expression of ways of life developed by society and passed down from generation to generation, then types of tangible and intangible heritage, and presenting the variables of contemporary architecture and design and their impact on societies And the identity of these societies with addressing the positive aspects of local trends through detail in the form, and the elements that affect the rooting in the form, then presenting the views of some pioneers and philosophers in this regard, such as the architect Hassan Fathi, who emphasized in his projects the compatibility and expression of community identity and twins. With the surrounding environment (the environment), where he had great efforts in the fields of environmental architecture and the use of local building materials to preserve the identity, then he made an analytical study for the project in question (Abu State Mosque, Basunah City, Sohag Governorate, Arab Republic of Egypt) by the designer Walid Arafa And a comprehensive analytical description of the designer's philosophy and how to apply this philosophy in the project in question was presented, as it emphasized the religious character of society, the cultural character and its legacies of society and the economics of the society. With then the social character of society, and with the end of the research paper, the researcher reviews the results, the most important of which is the emphasis on the national character (identity) with the benefit of the thought and technology of global trends and recommendations that emphasize the need to highlight the local character and cultural heritage in design projects


Main Subjects

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ثانيا المواقع الالکترونية:
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