Investment of Date Palm Trimming Waste to Build a Modern Environmental Morphology of Interior Design and Furniture

Document Type : Original Article


1 Interior Design and Furniture, Faculty of Applied Arts, 6 of October university, Giza, Egypt

2 Interior Design and Furniture, Faculty of Applied Arts,Helwan University, Giza, Egypt.


Date palms have been the axis of cultural, social, and economic life for centuries in rural areas and the Arab region to meet the basic needs of millions of people relying on date palm trimming products. With the radical lifestyle change, most of these products became redundant, Led to neglecting the trimming of date palms, becoming a direct cause of fire incidents, and the invasion of dangerous insects.
Rediscovering date palm trimming products is crucial, as designers demonstrate the responsibility to meet the requirements of the community. How to create a new vision that combines innovation with uniqueness beyond the traditional forms of date palm trimming products that are treated as waste for technological development to meet modern requirements locally and internationally?
The research includes an integrated study of Date palm trimming waste as smart waste, including Frond, Spadix Stem, leaflets, and fiber, as one of the most abundant plant remainders in Egypt as an innovative natural environmental material alternative to imported wood with similar mechanical characteristics, reducing pollution resulting from burning or leaving these remainders, and reviving the Egyptian economy by reducing energy consumption, and exporting furniture manufactured from these materials as an alternative of importing furniture or raw materials that don`t tolerate the Egyptian characteristic.
An approach has been proposed for the industrial use of date palm trimming, by integrating the craft into the industry using modern technology methods to show new morphological values for this individual material in interior design and furniture, including those suitable to flats or structural furniture.
To ensure continued support of the use of date palm trimming products internationally, it is necessary to establish an international association as a forum for all parties interested in using Date palm trimming waste products.


Main Subjects

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