Innovative of modern artistic Techniques Developed from Pharaonic geometrical nets to create textile hangings for hotels characterized by modern culture

Document Type : Original Article


1 Design Professor, Department of Spinning, Weaving and Knitting - Applied Arts Helwan University

2 Prof. of Textile design, Spinning, Weaving and Knitting Dept. Faculty of Applied Arts Helwan University.


The interest in ancient artistic heritage is of great importance to be merged with modern arts without losing its originality. That is why it was necessary to pay attention to studying the shapes, patterns and methods of the ancient Egyptian decorative formations and to reveal the aesthetic values in this ancient artistic creation, since Pharaonic art is the art that only Egypt has been specializing in among the all world for thousands of years and thus it is the distinctive national character of Egypt. Accordingly, the study and analysis of the Pharaonic geometric elements, and nets of their simple and complex types, and analysis of the foundations of their construction, which depend on the triangle, square and rhombic shapes, single and intersecting circles, as well as complex nets of more than one geometric form, as well as clarifying the relationship of proportion and proportion And the division by geometric nets to create spaces that depend on aesthetic proportion according to a mathematical logic with some modification and simplification , and the creation of innovative designs based on the basis of geometric nets and the distribution of decorative elements in them and employing them as textile hangings that fit the spirit of the modern era, taking into account the use of the joyful ancient Pharaonic colors. With an explanation and clarification of the proposed applied method for the implementation of designs, which is the multi-colored mechanical Joplin method on the base of the double coherent between the two faces, where there are two layers of fabric so that the decoration is exchanged with each other in the two layers and the cohesion occurs through the warp and weft colors and as a result of their affinity together with different textile combinations, it can be obtained On many different shades of colors, as well as the proposed executive specification for the implementation process for the textile designs of the hangings, which is suitable for use in tourist hotels in Egypt, as hotels are considered the first facade of Egypt to meet tourist delegations, so they must be expressive of the distinctive character of the civilization and originality of Egypt.


Main Subjects

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