the philosophy of Islamic thought as an approach for contemporary art and apply it in beautifying public squares as distinctive environmental signs

Document Type : Original Article


Foundation department , Faculty of Arts & Design , October University for Modern sciences & Arts


The philosophy of Islamic thought considered to be the philosophical heritage which was produced by the Arab-Islamic civilization, during one of its greatest periods of scientific, cultural, and civilizational prosperity and its active interaction with other civilizations.which made this philosophy compatible with any era, any time and place, which contributes to its application in a form consistent with contemporary art for any period.Where contemporary art is the outcome of creative artistic works that were produced and included in this period more than twenty years ago , that preceded the moment of talking about this art today, and the relationship of the contemporary artist with his artistic creations and the surrounding world is a relational and necessary relationship that adds new horizons to his works, the surrounding world with The contemporary artist today is an integral part of the contemporary artwork. Rather, its elements are living particles that add vitality to the rest of the components of the contemporary artwork. because the external decorative works at public squares are effective and influential acts, directly and indirectly, informing the public identity of the place, and helping to face life's problems with some objectivity, acceptance and interaction, as they are also employed in publicity to achieve an economic return, and from the point that contemporary art plays the required role of it on time, tracking the future and finding ways that may appear alongside them with a new meaning in the history view .So, it can be benefit from the philosophical thought in Islamic art as approach for contemporary art, thus it can be applied in public places such as squares , which can be exploited environmentally or commercially as distinctive environmental signs that add visual value to the environment in which the artwork is located, with environmental and economic impact. Accordingly, the research aims to benefit from the philosophy of Islamic thought as an approach for contemporary art and apply it in beautifying public squares as distinctive environmental signs. The research is divided into three main parts, the first is entitled " Philosophical Thought in Islamic Art and Heritage", the second is entitled "Contemporary Art between Concept and Characteristics", the Third is entitled " Public Squares as Distinctive Environmental Signs ", and the research ends with the fourth part entitled "An Applied Study


Main Subjects

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