A comparative study between hank dyeing and piece dyeing in Chanelia upholstery fabrics

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of Applied Arts, Benha University

2 Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

3 Faculty of Applied Arts, Benha University, Arab Republic of Egypt


the research aims to study comperative between hank dyeing and piece dyeing in chenille upholstery fabrics.by comparison between samples of Chanilla fabrics produced by hank dyeing and piece dyeing and with the difference in the used weaves(simple spot design-double- double cohesive).change number of picks (16picks/ cm -24 picks / cm – 32picks/ cm) and change arrangement picks (1 picks polyester: 1picks Chanilla - 1 picks polyester: 2picks Chanilla-1 picks polyester: 3picks Chanilla). Tests were done to of the produced samples (weight test –strength - tensile test and elongation test - stiffness test) it was found in the statistical analysis of the test results, it was found that the double weaving structure and the number of 32 picks / cm achieved the highest weight of the fabric for hank dyeing, and the double cohesive weaving structure and the number of 32 picks / cm achieved the highest Fabric weight in piece dyeing . the simple spot design cohesive weaving structure and the number of 32 picks / cm achieved the highest weight Fabric in werp,weft to piece dyeing as well as of the warp only in hank dyeing, but the weft, the weave double cohesive and the number of picks are 32 picks / cm. The simple spot design weaving achieved the highest elongation in both executive styles and for the number of 32 picks / cm in werp, but the double achieved the highest elongation in hank dyeing at 24 picks / cm in weft and piece dyeing at 16 picks / cm. However, the installation of the regular pattern achieved the highest hardness at 32 picks / cm in the executive method, hank dyeing, but achieved the double cohesive number of 32 picks / cm in piece dyeing.


Main Subjects

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