Four new Arabic-Islamic inscriptions from the location In the region 'aliat- najd' An analytical descriptive study

Document Type : Original Article


minstry of education


This research included four early Arab and Islamic inscriptions, which are found in the “Aliyat Najd” region, and the four inscriptions were found in the “Aliyah Najd” area. A geographical area located in the center of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the following mountains: Mount Zaidi, Mount Shatab, Mount Akithal and Mount Sanfan. These four inscriptions are the focal point of this research. With regard to letters and style, the inscriptions and writings date back to the early Islamic era, and these inscriptions can be dated from the first century AD to the third century AD. The study focused on documenting early Arab inscriptions in the Najd region, and an analytical study of these inscriptions is being conducted. This study is considered the first for these inscriptions, as it was discovered for the first time by the researcher. The study of these inscriptions provides a description, reading, commentary and analysis of their topics in an analytical and descriptive manner, and the paper attempts to analyze the technical features of writing and decorating the inscriptions under study, during the study and analysis of this group, whether form or object. The study proved that this group is similar to the Islamic writings in the entire Islamic world. In addition, the ability of the skill of the old Arab artist shows residents of the desert. The method of writing early Islamic inscriptions in the study area of ​​the Upper Najd Plateau was based on dry Kufic script, noting that the four inscriptions are not dated. Arabic inscriptions and writings are considered one of the most important sources for the history of the Arabian Peninsula, as they record passers-by, travelers, merchants and pilgrims who recorded the events of their era through inscriptions with his hand. And the tool with which these inscriptions were implemented.
These inscriptions are evidence of the knowledge of Muslims and Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula to read and write, an acquired talent that goes back many centuries from distant eras. The first beginnings of writing knowledge in the Arabian Peninsula go back more than six thousand years to the present day.


Main Subjects

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