The strategy of designing women apparel with high quality thats achieves the economic dimension of sustainability

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of applied arts , hellwan university, Department of Apparel design

2 Applied Arts,Hellwan university,Department of Apparel Design

3 Applied Arts, Hellowan university, Department of Apparel design

4 Fashion and Design center, Ministry of Industry


Fabric remnants resulting from the cutting and individualization processes did not garner ready-to-wear clothing and attention Although it is a cultural trend, in addition to the economic and environmental return, the resulting cloth waste is represented by Ready-made clothes factories (from the processes of engagement, cutting and individual), which represent a maximum efficiency of 85%, but can be used by reusing these exhausts (Fabrics are the remnants of cutting and individualism) in creating innovative designs that suit their specific functional purposes. We notice that these industries leave large quantities of exhaust that pollute the environment and the air surrounding the person who breathes, which affects his health. From an economic point of view, there are problems such as the large burden of these exhausts, including the costs of transporting, storing, classifying and disposing these wastes of money And labor increases the "economic burdens" of these factories. Technically speaking, these exhausts can be dealt with in a variety of ways The current research deals with studying how to make use of those exhausts. The study bought the remnants of cotton fabrics from one of the Italian factories that produce cotton fabrics in the Burj Al Arab area, Alexandria - Egypt, as well as from the Mary factory. Louis in the industrial zone of the tenth of Ramadan, through these exhausts, a set of physical and mechanical tests of these exhausts were done to ensure their quality and suitability for use in women's clothing products. The results are validity of these exhausts (remnants of shear and individual) in terms of weight, thickness, tensile strength and elongation, resistance to topper, and resistance to explosion. Design proposals have been made to serve the garment industry to ensure quality and fit These designs and design proposals are of lower cost and high quality. This experience can be taken advantage of and circulated to ready-to-wear factories to make the most of these exhausts without any harm to the environment.


Main Subjects

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