The symbolic inspiration from the human figure in the formulation of visual concepts For the scenic design

Document Type : Original Article


کلیة الفنون المیلة -امعة االسکندریة


The research focuses on researching, analyzing, and reflecting on the concept of designing inspiration from the human form , its various parts, and the intent of dealing with it from the beginning of history and through the ancient and medieval periods to the twenty-first century. The research is based on the basic idea that the design of the scenic design not only stops at limits، familiar and geometrical formations, whether or not they are geometrical but goes beyond that to include a design inspired by parts ،the body and its members with different positions, such as the face, eye, and limb, The parts that reflect the visual tools of meaning interact and deeply influence others, as well as their importance, lie in their ability to translate what is involved in the immorality of others.
To show the soul to the outer parts of the body in an abstract, symbolic way, so that it is an essential factor in the process of visual perception and reception . The study deals with the descriptive and analytical study of several contemporary theatrical performances, the scenography of which depends on the design inspired by the parts of the human body is a scenographic singular, and the visual language related to the contents of theatrical performance, or in itself forms a visual and aesthetic discourse in the performance.
Scenographic visions are included in their approach and inspiration to the human body, the research, and analysis of certain contemporary theatrical productions, and how to approach the singularity through the forming and design of more than one artist. The human body is a crucial component of its construction and scenic vision, through observing many instances of such performances as an example of the gradation from complete clarity to complete abstraction,
the role of the figure in achieving the content will be dealt with some rooting, depth, and analysis by reviewing those performances that prove that there are theatrical performances that depend on their scenography on Producing inspiration from the human body to achieve the content of the show. Some of them were inspired by the human figure as a visual and aesthetic element.
After that, the researcher made several design proposals to clarify the idea of symbolic inspiration from the human body as a scenographic singular and its investigation of different visual concepts.


Main Subjects

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