The applications of origami art using 3D digital printing technology in design jewelry

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Lecturer: The Higher Institute of Applied Arts, 6th of October

2 College of Applied Arts

3 ministry of the higher education the higher institute of applied arts the 6 th of october city department fashion egypt


Today we live in an online world, the internet allows us to talk and get to know someone all over the world, and with the advancement of technology and the increase in access to the internet, the influence of art or artist is no longer confined to the boundaries of an art gallery but art can now be produced and distributed to people around World, and this also allows more people to view the art. creativity is the new, useful and authentic production that draws attention and distinguishes each artist from others through his artistic creations in the use of art and technology together. Despite the rapid development of technology, the many benefits that it adds to art in general, there is a controversy that has abounded between artists and creators about the relationship of art to technology, some of them consider that aesthetic values have fallen and fall in the face of technology and others consider that technology has created new aesthetic values. Therefore, the study and the idea of research focused on how to take advantage of the features of origami art with 3D digital printing techniques and the extent to which the possibility of creating designs for the Jewelry based on 3D in a modulation way to extract innovative designs from the features of origami art with 3D printing techniques through the concrete and tangible form of designs, and how to adapt modern technology to create designs compatible with the technological development of the prevailing fashion., the research focused on the description of sensory and mental features and the use of technology that helps the designer of Jewelry to excel, as well as the study of some designers and Jewelry. Modern using 3D printing techniques, studying the features of origami art, designing Jewelry and the foundations of formation, and studying 3D printing and the most important companies producing them and the materials used. to take advantage of them in the implementation process.


Main Subjects

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