The role of the Jordan Green Building Guide in improving the quality of the internal environment for resorts accommodation

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Interior Design and Furniture, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt

2 Professor of Interior Design Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

3 Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University,Cairo,Egypt


The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has realized the nature of the dangers surrounding our planet as a result of the depletion of natural resources. Foremost among them are energy and water resources, and accordingly, the need to introduce sustainable design concepts in the implementation of tourism facilities has become urgent. It was represented by what is known as green buildings. Its importance is due to the benefits that it can have on the surrounding environment, the local economy, health and individual productivity. The idea of developing a guide for green buildings that contains the technical and technical standards and environmental requirements necessary to achieve the requirements of environmental sustainability in tourism facilities, their evaluation and exploitation to suit Jordan's special climate, natural resources, legislation and building technology available in it This is done by activating the standards of the Jordanian Green Building Guide for the quality of the healthy internal environment, materials and resources in the interior design areas of accommodation rooms in tourist resorts, which establish an internal environment that meets all the requirements of comfort and safety as a health strategy followed to achieve a minimum of environmental pollutants in the building And to achieve the highest level in the efficiency of positive exchange between the building and the surrounding environment around it. The research deals with the concept of sustainable design, the quality of the indoor environment, the pathogen phenomenon and the most important causes thereof. And the tourist resort concept; Introducing the Jordanian green building guide and addressing the criteria for the quality of a healthy indoor environment, materials and resources. To identify the suitability of the design of tourism facilities in Jordan with the sustainable design; Clarify the effect of activating the standards of the Jordanian Green Building Guide on the interior design spaces for resorts' residence rooms; Among the proposed recommendations to provide a healthy indoor environment: Activating the standards of the green building guide in the early stages of design, applying them and making use of them to the fullest and lowest possible cost when compared to the cost of procedures for identifying problems and treating them after occupancy in the interior design areas of accommodation rooms in tourist resorts.


Main Subjects

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