Modifying the behavior of autistic children by designing residential spaces

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of applied arts department of interior design & furniture ,6

2 First settlement, New Cairo

3 Applied Arts Helwan university


The internal design was found not only to create a comfortable environment for all users, but when it comes to groups with special needs, its role is more important and deeper. When an individual is unable to perceive his environment and adapt to it, negative behaviors result in harm to him and those around him.
Design theories, such as behavioral theory and others, have been concerned with the extent to which the design of the internal environment affects the user and mitigating the negative behaviors associated with some disabilities such as autism, with the aim of creating a suitable environment for these individuals, especially children, so that they can adapt to their environment and depend on themselves, and engage in society. Alleviating the burden of full responsibility for his family, however the designers ’interest in applying these theories was limited, and that attention focused on designing learning environments and neglecting the home environment.
Autistic children suffer from a sensory disorder in all their senses, including those who suffer from hypersensitivity (HYPER-SENSITIVE), whether visual or auditory .etc. And some of them suffer from severe hypersensitivity (HYPO-SENSITIVE) in those senses, so their reactions differ from the normal person, for example the sound of a balloon popping that does not cause any harm to the normal child may be considered an explosion for an autistic child, And the red or yellow color, which is considered pleasant for a normal child, may cause him to have tantrums, and vice versa, some autistic children suffer from a severe lack of sensitivity to those senses to the point of thinking that they are hard of hearing and do not see the moving people around them and tend to very bright colors, and the challenge that meets the designer stems Since there are no two similar cases in autism, and it should be designed for each case separately, we will try in this research to present proposals for designing the housing space for autistic patients.


Main Subjects

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