Interactive Technology Techniques As One Of The Contemporary Design Elements

Document Type : Original Article


1 Decoration Department - College of Applied Arts

2 Professor and Head of the Decoration Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

3 helwan uni


On the basis of theoretical approaches, case studies, this research examines interactive techniques and its applications in the elements of environmental design and architectural spaces in order to stimulate human interactions and activities in public spaces.
The research is focused on the concept of visual realization and its relationship with the elements of environmental design and architectural spaces. It explores how to effectively integrate and blend between different disciplines in the arts, especially between interactive techniques and the aesthetic relationships of architectural elements. It sheds light on the study of interaction and its impact on art installations to influence human social behavior, and reviews examples of these art installations as well as how to apply interactive art in public spaces by inspiring the people to become more active.
research aims :-
● The use of contemporary structural systems for the elements of architectural spaces to provide some utilitarian functions, taking into account the differences between the groups of society in terms of experiences and cultural awareness and the different ways of acquiring their knowledge, assimilating information, methods of presenting it, publishing it and interacting with it.
● Study design relationships affecting individuals to reach solutions and mechanisms of standards design elements of architectural spaces required to attract and influence the recipient.
● Applying interactive techniques, both aesthetically and profitably, to an example, as it shows how to benefit from them in the future.
● Applying interactive technologies to suit the personality of the chosen museum in a contemporary artistic style that works to attract and interact the recipient with the artwork to achieve the aesthetic values of design and cognitive function.
research importance :-

Employ the combination of interactive techniques and design strategies in architectural spaces, allowing individuals to be active participants in the set scenario in programming the environmental design component.
It refers to how to achieve the maximum possible effectiveness of interaction in light of its impact on the external and internal design elements, as well as its impact on the social behavior of the human being, and the development of mechanisms to activate the techniques of movement, interaction and transformation of sending and receiving with the recipient.
The research is concerned with finding a language of communication between the works of modern media arts and the recipient, and exploiting it functionally and aesthetically in the elements of environmental design.


Main Subjects

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