Creative Placemaking between theory and practice

Document Type : Original Article


1 Higher Institute of Applied Arts – The Fifth Settlement – new cairo – cairo – egypt

2 Faculty of Applied Arts Helwan University

3 faculty of applied arts helwan university


Research Summary:
The mutual impact between Man and environment has been for a long time, Man is affected by everything around him and this effect is shown on his culture and behavior and social conditions in general, and many studies have revealed that the ratio of social relations between individuals does not increase by their number but depends on the increase in the proportions of their meeting, but because of the absence of creative environmental design that has the ability to handle this problem, the society is suffering from what is called the isolation of Man from his environment and surroundings. Technology affected in a large extent the presence of this gap that occurred between Man and environment, hence the artist and environmental designer plays an essential role in the progress of humanity through initiatives that tackle the importance of raising the quality of human life through environmental design and this throughout the new concept of " creative placemaking" , as it provides real opportunities for members of society to express their relationship with each other and their environment alike.

The strategy of improvement of well-being of society and its prosperity takes place through the improvement and development of city conditions via governments, private investment, profit organizations, artists and groups of citizens who have a common sense of environmental beauty, coordination, but we must understand well the environment around us so that we can handle this relationship, which has been tarnished by many factors, also we can bind it to the quality of life in relation to the concept of " creative placemaking " so that we can enhance the humanity of places and meet human needs.


Main Subjects

  1. المراجع:

    المراجع الأجنبية :

    1. Markusen, A. and Gadwa, A. (2010). Creative placemaking. Washington DC: National

                 Endowment for the Arts.p.3-p15-p.26

    1. Leonardo vazquez,Creative placemaking: Interating community, cultural and economic development, M(2012). P.1-p16-p17p.18
    2. Barcaccia, Barbara, Quality of life , 4 Setember (2013) , p-3.


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