The sustainable coastal tourism development of the heritage areas in Alexandria Case Study (Abu Mina Archaeological Zone - Qaitbay Citadel Area)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Engineering Faculty-Tanta University

2 Faculty of Engineering- Tanta University


Many countries have been able to develop their coastal tourism resources by relying on sustainable designs for areas of heritage value, as there is a close relationship between the urban design of heritage areas and the coastal tourism sector, and sustainable urban design provides cities with distinctive attractions at a time when tourism depends on visiting those heritage areas. From this, a feeling emerged of the need to study the relationship between sustainable tourism urbanization and areas of heritage value and to reach a strategy to deal with it and preserve it and highlight the technical and historical aspects in it.
The idea of sustainable tourism development is based on the introduction of structural transformations in the methods of designing tourist cities, in particular for coastal cities with cultural heritage, through the optimal use of the natural, economic, social and urban resources of these cities in line with the demand and tendencies of the current and complete coastal tourism needs, in addition to Promoting the natural and cultural heritage as one of the most popular measures the strategy of renewing mature coastal tourism destinations.
The research sheds light on the various strategies used to deal with sustainable coastal tourism in heritage areas by studying methods of achieving sustainable urban development in coastal tourist areas, specifically those with urban heritage and the challenges facing these areas, in addition to studying the mechanism for evaluating that development. As a case study, a city was chosen Alexandria, and specifically the areas of "Abu Mina archaeological and Qaitbay Citadel", to be studied through: Analyzing the current situation and knowing the most important problems facing these areas and studying and analyzing the proposed methodology for steps to achieve sustainable tourism development. So that we can benefit from them in our existing situation, and try to reach the most successful solutions in the urban development of these areas to achieve sustainable tourism development while preserving the urban and architectural heritage.


Main Subjects

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