Creation in painting techniques using the elements of nature Fumage painting ( painting by soot or smoke )

Document Type : Original Article


Painting department fine arts mansoura university egypt


When nature produces elements and materials, we must stop to contemplate what they produce from the elements and materials, think, and try to reformulate or subjugate them and make them engage in the arts, including plastic art, in order to produce an integrated work of the elements, as man is the son of nature resulting from nature and is his primary reference in all His artistic production is not only in the formative and aesthetic values but also in his material resources and material raw materials, as he used primitive man the components of nature to draw some magical symbols on the walls of the caves associated with his faith where it brings him livelihood or sympathies of his idols or helps him to attract his prey And come to him by wind or rain, or from another side, to defend himself against predators by using fats, animal blood, grease or oils resulting from combustion, and also by using charred wood used to light fires in order to cook food and for heating, which is like the coal weld used at the present time in drawing and then The ancient Egyptian artist used some earthen oxides, mixing them with some oils or chemicals to obtain a pure color with which he can add and make formative works that achieve his idea and communicate his message and immortalize his history and tales by art and by the coloring materials originating from nature.
From here we conclude that nature is the main and main resource of technical resources, material or intellectual.And by using the primitive man for coal, the combustion process produced some black fumes called (with soot) or (soot) that had accumulated and calcified on the wall resulting from the combustion process to create a dark space on it and from here I tried to formulate this technique derived from nature to produce a fine artistic work in which the component elements For drawing art, which is the balance and diversity between the silhouettes and the harmony between the dark and the light where I used soot or flame resulting from the combustion process and received it on some different surfaces to achieve the various plastic values in an artistic framework and from the research I found that there are those who preceded me to the idea which is The artist SPAZUK has experimented with this technique and produced some complete


Main Subjects

1 Artspoke, Robert Atkins, 1993, ISBN 978-1-55859-388-6
See especially Marianna Torgovnick. Gone primitive: Savage intellects,
2 Modern lives (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991).
3 Etherington, Literary Primitivism (Stanford: Stanford UP, 2018) for an account of the different understandings and critiques of primitivism.
4 a b A. O. Lovejoy and George Boas, Primitivism and Related Ideas in Antiquity (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1935).
5 Anthony Pagden, “The Savage Critic: Some European Images of the Primitive,” The Yearbook of English Studies, 13 (1983).
6 Isaiah Berlin, Vico and Herder (New York: Viking, 1976
7 William Rubin, "Modernist Primitivism, 1984,"
8 Twentieth Century Art, A Documentary History, Jack Flam and Miriam Deutch, editors
^ 9 Linda Dalrymple Henderson, The Fourth Dimension and non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art (Princeton University Press, 19810).
^ 10 Natasha. "Ecole des Beaux-Arts". Archived from the original on 6 November 2017. Retrieved 9 May 201
11 L'Homme qui rit (1869)
12 Binstock, Benjamin: Vermeer's Family Secrets: Genius, Discovery, and the Unknown Apprentice. (New York, NY: Routledge, 2009), p. 330
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