Employing local Materials in Furniture Design at the Marshes Region in Southern Iraq

Document Type : Original Article


1 Art Supervisor - Department of School Activities - General Directorate of Education in Babil Governorate - Republic of Iraq

2 Professor of Design Furniture in the Department of Interior Design and Furniture- Faculty of Applied Arts- Helwan University.

3 Professor of Interior Design Furniture Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University


The environment of water reserves is considered one of the environments full of life and a producer of sustainable materials in nature. It contains biological and ecological diversity of sunlight, fresh water and air. Many species of animals, birds, plants and fish spread and breed in it in addition to the local people who live in such environments. It is spread all over the world. An example of this environment is the so-called marshes environment in southern Iraq. Thousands of years ago, its local inhabitants have taken this environment as their home. They depend for their livelihood on the natural environmental materials available in this region, especially in building their homes and their simple furniture from reed material. As it constitutes the main ecological vital component of this region. In addition, it reflects its cultural and social heritage. However, the marshes region in southern Iraq lacks the employment of local materials in the design of furniture to achieve the ecological compatibility of this region. Therefore, this research seeks to find suitable sustainable solutions and designs for furniture in accordance with its environment. The aim of the research is to employ local raw materials in the marsh's region in southern Iraq in furniture in a sustainable way to achieve environmental compatibility in the vicinity of their presence, to preserve their heritage value. The research adopted the descriptive approach regarding the theoretical part, and for the purpose of obtaining accurate results in order to achieve the objectives of the research, the analytical method was adopted in describing the simple furniture that was included in the internal spaces of the reed house, and the most important local materials used in its manufacture.
One of the most important findings of this research is the utilization of sustainable natural materials in architecture, interior design and furniture has a positive impact on the social, cultural, environmental, economic, and health levels for the region's residents. Therefore, several recommendations were proposed, one of them is encouraging and following up the local craftsmen in the marshes region in southern Iraq to manufacture the homemade furniture and the need to inform them of the various techniques in its industry in order to enhance this inherited craft and promoting the social, economic and cultural level of this region.


Main Subjects

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