Implementation Of Brand's Visual Identity In The Design Of Commercial Windows Display


1 Free Designer Dep. Of Advertising - Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University

2 Advertising department Faculty of applied arts Helwan university

3 Lecturer Faculty of Applied Arts Helwan University


It has been noticeable through the research that the majority of the commercial sales centers of many organizations may compete in importing ideas, methods, techniques and means in designing their own windows display that would achieve the factors of attraction and dazzle to influence the marketing mix and achieve popularity based on the element of dazzling and renewal without being distracted by the optimal use of the visual identity elements of the organization (brand), so it was necessary to define the problem and select the designing standards and reference points in the design method, in order to achieve a balance of the relationship between the promotional function and its influence within the marketing mix system and between the usage of the visual identity elements in the design of windows display, and it was necessary to present and analyze of this problem using models of windows display designs in the Egyptian market as it has special conditions for interaction and impact on the target audience .
This research presents many problems for the not using of the visual identity elements of the organization (brand), and it presents displaying some modes that did not use the visual identity elements in an optimal way to achieve the goal of designing the window display in an attractive and expressive way of the organization’s visual identity (brand). And to achieve its marketing and advertising role, and some analyzed examples of windows display for Egyptian organization that suffer from this problem. And then influencing all the elements of the organization from the target audience and the production process itself, and then increasing the demand for the product and achieving a close relationship between the audience and the producer by creating an effective mental image of the organization (the brand).


Main Subjects

9 - المراجع:
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مواقع الإنترنت:
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