Sinai heritage as an inspiration for contemporary mosaic murals

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education, tanta University.


Research Summary
The Sinai heritage is one of a special nature that appeared in the elements of its environment, people and the esthetics of its art. As the artist was able to choose its lines, forms, colors and innovate in it, and If we look at the artistic features of this heritage, we will find the diversity and richness of color and texture that covered the aridity of the Sinai environment.
And because heritage can continue through renewal and addition to keep up with the march of modernity, So we find murals, and especially mosaic murals, a fertile field for the dissemination of this heritage, And that by taking it up in new formative relationships, working to get it out of its traditional form to a different aspect of renewal, through merging them with modernity aspects in the mosaic murals, we create murals bearing the character and aesthetics of heritage in a contemporary spirit. Hence, the research seeks how to preserve the continuity and spread of this heritage and employ it in murals that are characterized by contemporary in a consistent manner with the design of mosaic murals, to be displayed in public squares and places to spread this heritage in other environments.
Therefore, the research problem can be posed in the following questions:
• To what extent can the elements of the Sinai heritage be employed in a formative manner within mosaic murals?
• How is it possible to combine the aspects of modernity in the mosaic murals with the Sinai heritage to obtain contemporary murals?
The research deals with the following points in the theoretical framework:
A - The general features and characteristics of mosaic art ... and the manifestations of modernity in it.
B - The elements of the Sinai heritage ... and its most important features.
And In the practical framework
It relied on the researcher's own experience through which she implemented a set of designs inspired by the elements of the Sinai heritage, and compatible with modernity factors in mosaic murals, these designs are analyzed by default for what can be implemented in reality.
- Then the researcher mentioned the findings and recommendations of the research.


Main Subjects

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