The semiology of dramatic television picture design and its impact on Egyptian societal values

Document Type : Original Article


1 Applaud art , photography and cinema and TV Helwan university

2 applied art helwan university


(The semiology of dramatic television picture design and its impact on Egyptian societal values)
An introduction:
The function of art is to create beauty, beauty in its broad sense that stands at the limits of the sense and is not confined to a limited form, for art is the greatest means in existence through which ideas can penetrate into hearts and minds, and in light of the state of intellectual conflict that the world is witnessing now, art is the most dangerous A weapon in existence after the atomic bomb and weapons of mass destruction.
Drama, like all the arts that preceded it, makes for itself a clear face and solid features, as the drama addresses the conscience and provokes it and presents reality with all its blatant facts and the entirety of its issues and was able to take from the narration everything in it and even that the novel is the main component of it.
Research problem:
The dramatic image presents many connotations and implications through the design of the visual elements of the image. These connotations give effects on the viewer in the way the visual content is received, which in turn affects the values of the scenes acquired through the dramatic visual content that they reach.
Research goal:
Study how the semantics of the design elements of the dramatic image affect the viewer and its societal values through the connotations that the image formulates through its design elements such as camera movement, lighting, size of shots, shooting angles and the effect of colors.
research importance :
The importance of the research comes in determining how to visually read the scenes of the drama and determining how the viewer receives the indications presented to him through the elements of image design and the effect of these indications on the values of society.
search limits :
The research is determined in the study of the semiology of the dramatic image, the implications of the design elements of the dramatic image, and how these indications affect the values of societal scenes.
The series (Weld al-Ghalaba) will be inferred as a sample of the Ramadan series for 2019, which was one of the most watched series this year.


Main Subjects

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