Suggested system for designing and implementing applied Projects at apparel technology and fashion department

Document Type : Original Article


1 Facuutly of Applied Arts

2 Assistant Professor and Head of Apparel and Fashion Technology Department faculty of Applied Arts, Banha University

3 A teacher in the department of clothing and fashion technology faculty of Applied Arts, Benha University


Preparing the applied project is an important part of the educational process for the student, who needs to make effort to prepare and present it in the right way. And the application project of Apparel Technology And Fashion Department is the preparation of a piece of clothing, and this piece goes through a set of stages starting from the design stage through the pattern and selecting the appropriate materials for implementation, weaving them and the way the project is presented. A study has been made on the problems that students face during each stage of preparation and has been addressed by the researcher by developing a set of plans for each of its stages and presenting them through an electronic system prepared by the researcher and this system includes diagrams illustrated with pictures and videos for these stages that facilitate The student has to learn the process, and a handbook of materials has been prepared, a description of the materials has been made, and a concrete sample of the material has been put in place in order to help the student in the process of choosing the appropriate material for the implementation of the piece of clothing. The schemes and the system were evaluated by specialized professors before their implementation. The application was carried out on students of the Department of Clothing Technology and Fashion the third division, Faculty of Applied Arts, Banha University, where the students were divided into two groups, a control group and an experimental group The study found that there is a statistically significant difference at (α ≤ 0.01) between the mean scores of the experimental and control groups students in the post application of the cognitive test as a whole and in each sub-level of its levels as well for the observation card, in favor of the experimental group in the post application, and the presence of a statistically significant difference At the level of (α ≤ 0.01) among the average scores of the experimental group students in the pre and post applications of the cognitive test as a whole and in each sub-level of the cognitive test as well as for the observation card, It recommends the inclusion of a system for designing and implementing applied projects in the clothing technology and fashion department to the practical materials course in which the pieces of clothing are executed.


Main Subjects

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