Simulation of Islamic Ceramics Using Different Firing Techniques

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Ceramics , Faculty of Applied Arts , Helwan University , Cairo , Egypt

2 Department of Ceramics – Faculty of Applied Arts- Helwan University- Cairo- Egypt.

3 Faculty of Applied Art - Helwan University - Ceramic Department


Ceramics is one of the most important artistic handcrafts that were known for Arab Artists since Islam appeared to life. The main reason of this was the role that ceramics played in fulfilling the idea of Islamic civilization on different sides. One of the most important reasons that helped in demonstrating Islamic ceramics was the fact that the main idea of Islam is to be humble, forgiving and unsophisticated, all of this contradicted previous lives of Arabs which were full of entertainment and luxury, and expensive materials in daily life like gold and silver. For that reason, ceramic art was so popular for Arab Artists who were able to achieve marvelous results using new techniques on all levels.
Alternatively, Islamic ceramics fulfilled different other sides of people’s daily needs either private or public, as Islamic Ceramists made tiles in different shapes, in order to use them in covering walls, in addition to cups, plates, bowls, vases, jugs, water bottles, and other vessels for different uses. And what was so obvious was that Islamic ceramics manufacturing was developed and has significantly improved since Islam entered new regions and countries, having very good reputation in making ceramics such as in Iran, Iraq, Egypt and El-Sham countries.
For that, the idea of this research came out to light trying to get some benefits of Islamic ceramics, by trying to use some of very known ceramic shapes and having new contemporaneous solutions to treat its outer surface, like using Luster glazes reduction and Raku.


Main Subjects

أهم مراجع البحث:
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Afif El /bahnasy,Al Fan El Islamy,1986
2-     مصطفى الخشاب، دراسة مجتمع، مکتبة الأنجلو، 1977.
Mostafa Al Khashab, Deraset Mogtamaa, Maktabet El Angelo, 1977
3-     أسامة الخولى، "العرب والعولمة"، مرکز دراسات الوحدة العربية، بحوث و نقاشات.
Osama Al Kholy, “Al Arab wal Awlama”, Markaz Derasat Al Wehda Al Arabeya, Bohooth wa Neqashat
4-     عبد العزيز الدولاتى ، الفن الإسلامى"الجزء الأول، المنظمة العربية للتربية والثقافة والعلوم"، تونس 1994.
Abdel Aziz Al Dolaty, Al Fan Al Islamy “ Al Goza Al awal, Al Monazama Al Arabeya lel tarbeya wal Thaqafa wal Oloom”, Tunis,1994.
5-     سمير الصائغ، الفن الإسلامى، دار المعرفة، بيروت، 1988.
Samir Al Sayegh , Al Fan Al Islamy , Dar Al Maarefa, Beirut,1988
6-     دافيد رايس، الفن الإسلامى، مطبعة جامعة دمشق، 1977.
David Rayes, Al Fan Al Islamy, Matbaet Gamaet Demashq, 1977
مراکز التجارب العملية:
1-     استديو الفنان ضياء الدين داوود للخزف.
1- studyu alfanaan dia' aldiyn dawwud lilsiyramik.
2-     استديو الفنان سمير الجندي للخزف.
2- astudiu samir aljindiu lilsiyramik.
3-     استديو الفنان هيثم هداية للخزف.
3- studyu haytham hidayat lilsiyramik.