Glass in the design of bridges in tourist cities in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Teaching Assistant at the College of Design and Creative Arts, Al-Ahram Canadian University

2 Glass department,faculty of applied arts,helwan university,cairo,Egypt


Glass was used for the first time in bridges in 1995 to give a start and a complete difference in the design of bridges and to be highlighted as one of the most important aspects of tourism and the most important characteristic of the country of origin of the bridge, so the glass bridges are one of the most important modern architectural methods that are used instead of the traditional and manufactured historical bridges. Arches were formed from stone or wood, then they became constructed of metal and reinforced concrete with regular or pre-stressed reinforcement.
With the passage of time, methods of building bridges became increasingly sophisticated, and the nature of bridges changed from purely functional goals to fully designed structures that include technological and aesthetic aspects, so the development of the materials used had a great impact on the design of bridges in terms of size and shape, and with advancement and technological development and the discovery of technological techniques And advanced engineering, fast and new building materials, and based on scientific discoveries of construction materials and methods, bridges have become in our modern era changing and developing with electronic technology and the information revolution, modern technology and advanced systems used now in bridges, taking into account the environmental factor and its techniques, so the environment had a great impact on the design elements, which necessitated With him reconsidering the designs of bridges using the maximum benefit of the surrounding environment and exploiting its effect on the design through the architectural formation, which is the result of several related factors that differ from one period of time to another and from one place to another with the difference in the influencing environment, whether it is a site or climate, and glass was an important element in the materials used in these bridges. Therefore, the aim of the research is to study the most important types of glass that can be used in designing a Jusoor and implement them in accordance with the surrounding environment, to give strength and safety to this bridge while controlling the absorption and reflection of light rays.


Main Subjects

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