The role of apparent motion to achieve space-time in weaving through Sufi whirling

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of specific education, tanta universty


The role of apparent motion to achieve space-time in weaving through Sufi whirling
The current research aims to express space-time through studying the apparent motion in the contemporary weaving work by making use of the Sufi dance designs that the researcher considers an appropriate approach to enrich the manual formation of the textile work.
This treatment allows art students to produce contemporary textile artifacts that keep pace with the new and developed systems in art and are linked to scientific concepts and theories, and the study of apparent motion is an essential input to clarify the theory of space-time and how to express it in the contemporary textile work, in addition to the fact that Sufi dance designs are considered an appropriate embodiment. The idea of space-time, specifically the rotational movement that the Sufi performs as a metaphor for the movement of the universe, appears in the designs in the form of rapidly fading curved lines indicating the movement of the loose clothes of the dervish resulting from rotating around himself and moving from one place to another.
The research presents experimental practices through one experimental group (students of the first group - the Faculty of Specific Education - Tanta University) using cotton, wool, and cotton perle threads executed in the tapestry method, and the wefts were carried out in multiple directions and different degrees of inclination, and the research presented a number (20 weaves) As an applied vision that represents various scenes expressing Sufi dance, including the Mevlevi dance, the Tanura dance, and abstract scenes of Sufi dance, and the results reached the success of the experiment in expressing the concept of space-time in the weaving work through mystical designs, which are a powerful gateway for inspiration, creativity and revealing Universe facts, as the research emphasized the importance of apperant motion in textile artifacts, and at the end the research presented a number of recommendations and proposals.
Key words: space-time, Sufism, discretionary movement.


Main Subjects

  1. المراجع

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