Aesthetic values and structural systems for selections of Mamluk architecture. To attract tourism locally and internationally..

Document Type : Original Article


Suez University - College of Education - Department of Art Education


Aesthetic values and structural systems for selections of Mamluk architecture. To attract tourism locally and internationally..
Summary search
The creativity of architecture and decorative design is a characteristic of Islamic art and has always been associated with diversity, although a few decorations remain constant and develop in succession.
The mamluk is one of the best in Islamic history because it is characterized by the advancement of art and architecture. Scientific, artistic and craftsmanship led to a magnificent architecture characterized by the planning, distribution, coordination and proportion of the architectural units, which led to the achievement of aesthetic values and artistic taste.
Sultan bin qlaawn's group is distinguished by the fact that it houses a distinctive dome that is the second most beautiful shrine in the world after taj mahal. The minarets of the Mohammed bin qalawan mosque are unique and elegant minarets in monarchy-era Cairo.
The question of research is therefore defined as follows:
How, by shedding light on the aesthetic values and structural systems of selections of Mamluk architecture, can attract tourism locally and internationally.
The research deals with the analytical study of the Qalawun group because of their architectural and heritage importance in the Mamluk style.
The message aims:
1. A contemporary view of the beauty of the Mamluky's architecture.
2. A contemporary analysis of the architectural design of these distinctive archetypes of Mamluky's architecture.
Research hypotheses:-
1. There is a positive relationship between the extraction of aesthetic values and the structural analysis of a selection of the architectural elements of the Qalawun Group facilities and tourist attractions locally and internationally.
2. There is a positive relationship between developing the recipient's cultural visions of the aesthetics of the architectural style in the Qalawun Group and attracting tourism locally and internationally.
research importance :-
1- Shedding light on one of the most important periods of history in Egypt, the Mamluk era
2- Shedding light on Bin Qalawun Group < br>3- Contributes to the cultural aspect of the designer
Research limits: - Bin Qalawun Group, Sultan Muhammad Bin Qalawun Mosque
Research Methodology: This research follows the historical and descriptive (analytical) method.


Main Subjects

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بواسطة Casual Builder - Taken with my camera on a visit to Cairo وCC BY-SA 3.0
بواسطة Ahmed Al.Badawy from Cairo, Egypt - Mihrab محراب - Madrasa Al.Nassir Mohammed Ibn Qalawun 13- مدرسة السلطان محمد ابن قلاوون / El.Muiz Le Din Allah Street / Cairo / Egypt - 29 05 2010 وCC BY-SA 2.0 و
بواسطة Sailko - عمل شخصي وCC BY 3.0 و
بواسطة 15- Jorge Láscar from Melbourne, Australia - The second most beautiful mausoleum of the world (after the Taj Mahal) - The Mausoleum of Sultan Qalawun - The Qalawun complex وCC BY 2.0
 By Tobarmoh - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,