Decorative formulations for the surface of ceramic products to achieve an aesthetic quality

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Sculpture ,faculty of Fine Arts, Minia University


The research dealt with many of the decorative formulations used in ceramic sculpture, as well as the development of technology, its material effect and its role in adding a lot of aesthetic and plastic values to ceramic products, and the role of standards, what and the concept of total quality because of their effects that help improve the quality of artistic or industrial ceramic products, and provide a lot of The rumbling and waste in ceramics. The research also deals with the effect of decoration on the ceramic product before and after the fire. The research also dealt with the aesthetics of the ceramic color "linings", which is clay formed from it and made of colored mineral oxides that are well filtered and then applied by brushing, spraying, gravity, dipping, or any other method, and glazed linings are a type of new linings used in modern ceramic sculpture. The effect of the glass coatings is due to the degree of their transparency or their opacity, there is a translucent glaze, and there is also cracked glaze and others, as for the formulations for surface texture, this is due to the smoothness or roughness of the surface as well as the texture used.

The researcher has reached through this research to conclusions, the most important of which is that the modern methods used in the production of the ceramic model depend on high levels of technology for the general standards and foundations for the quality of ceramic products a great impact on enriching the artistic work, and in the end the researcher recommends the necessity to organize workshops in the field of art, Ceramic sculpture between the artists of the West and the artists of the Arab world, doing more research on the role of scientific development in the development of plastic art and the art of ceramics in particular, and the necessity of linking with scientific and technological progress and making use of the data of modern technologies, adapting them for the benefit of artistic work, teaching and training students of the ceramic department on scientific foundations to keep up with the latest developments in science and technology in the production of the ceramic model.


Main Subjects

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