The aesthetics of the Arabic Lettrism ( square Kufic) and its role in designing the scenic design

Document Type : Original Article


کلیة الفنون المیلة -امعة االسکندریة


The Arabic letter has various and unique aesthetic and visual concepts that go beyond the linguistic connotation of the letters to more spacious horizons of creativity and visual innovation, the Arabic letter has reached its formative climax in union with the elements of creative beauty that appeared in all the vocabulary of daily life, so the Arabic letter has become a great position in many fields in Life like fashion, architecture, and furniture, so the Arabic letter no longer expresses the meaning to be shown through the language only, but has become a prominent sign of communication between formative forms in different design structures, the Arabic letter was and still means for artists and designers the Islamic Arab identity, with its connotations. plastic patterns that have philosophical and spiritual values of an original aesthetic character.
In the midst of the theatrical designer's research for various visual and aesthetic concepts that draw inspiration from the permanence and renewal of art. After that, the researcher reached the most important results, which is to consider the Arabic letter "The square Kufic" as a form of aesthetic and geometric abstraction that enriches the visual image in the design of the scenic design. the researcher presents some of the designs of the proposed theatrical scenes to express the idea of the research, and then the researcher reached the most important results, which is to consider the Arabic letter "the square kufic" as a form of aesthetic and abstract formation that enriches the image and enhances the visual design for theatrical scenic design.


Main Subjects

  1. المراجع

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