Methods for raising the efficiency of sustainable human behavior. In the work environment (to achieve more sustainable buildings).

Document Type : Original Article


October Higher Institute for Engineering and Technology, 6th of October City, Egypt


Behaviors pro-environment play the main role in advancing the development of sustainable environmental buildings. Where workplaces all over the world are the main source of carbon emissions, changing behavior for resource use in these environments has the ability to reduce carbon emissions. Within the framework of sustainability strategies, governments have developed a set of policies to encourage the adoption of sustainable technologies and practices to help achieve sustainable cities and urban communities. Many partners and organizations have implemented ways to promote environmentally friendly behaviors in the workplace, including the sustainable use of natural resources. Often represents a challenge, because many daily behaviors of the employees are based on habits and routines that are very difficult to change. Due to lack of knowledge and awareness, lack of regulations and laws, and lack of incentives, whether material or moral. Hence, the research discusses the study and discussion of methods of raising sustainable behavior in the work environment by presenting the concept of sustainable human behavior and the barriers that hinder sustainable behavior in the work environment, and what are the factors affecting the application of sustainable behavior, where the role of human resources management and environmental knowledge to form sustainable employee behavior. The research also reviews how to change to sustainable behavior and the formation of pro-environment behavior through behavioral pro-environment interventions, by making sustainable behavior a sustainable habit, with the application of interactive visualizations system to allow people to monitor their consumption patterns of natural resources and then change their consumption of resources more efficiently, with a study The role and how to market to environmentally friendly behaviors. To reach a strategy for implementing sustainable behavior in the work environment, reaching the main determinants (performance - time - motivation) of methods for raising the efficiency of sustainable behavior. To achieve more sustainable buildings.


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