Inspiration from nature in the light of nanotechnology and its role in enriching environmental coordination

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of applied arts-Damietta University

2 Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

3 Faculty of applied arts,Helwan University.


Nature is considered an important source of inspiration for art and design majors, due to its rich engineering and kinetic systems. And Since these systems are available in nature, the designer's ability to extract and identify them is a necessity to know the essence of their construction, so that awareness of what this system is becoming a source of inspiration, and may even go beyond the limits of that system, to study and analyze what is behind it. Beyond the shape, beyond color. Therefore, inspiration from nature in light of modern technology has a fundamental role in strengthening the fields of art and design in general and the field of environmental coordination in particular. The remarkable development in various fields of science and technology in the third millennium enabled the designer to realize advanced concepts of nature. Nanotechnology is at the forefront of advanced technologies in the third millennium, which in turn enhances the development of the concept inspired by nature. Nanotechnology is the technology that deals with the study of matter on the molecular and atomic levels, which helped to reconstruct matter in a way that goes beyond its physical nature. The research included the concept of nanotechnology and the extent to which it can be used in improving the properties of materials as well as in the field of environmental coordination. The problem of the research lies in the extent of the possibility of inspiration from nature by making use of the formative relationships of the images captured at the nanoscale level in environmental designs that achieve coordination and environmental beautification. The research followed the descriptive, analytical, and experimental methodology in order to reach applied ideas to enrich the field of environmental coordination. The research analytical and experimental study concluded that the plastic and color relations at the nanoscale level is considered one of the philosophical approaches to inspiring nature, due to its dramatic and psychological dimensions, that help the designer in inspiring and achieving it in works that benefit society.


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