Expressive values for color

Document Type : Original Article


Department of General Art, College of Applied Arts, 6th of October University


Research Summary:

The color is the visual sensation resulting from the difference in the wavelengths of light in the visible rays, the color that we see in the objects is the sensation of our eyes to the rays reflected by these objects, so when it receives light it absorbs parts of it and reflects the rest, in other words it determines the colors of the objects, that is, the colors are not properties Bodies but they are all linked to light.
There is a close correlation between the colors and the subconscious of the recipient of the artwork, as well as his mood that is affected by the color relations and calls for from the subconscious a specific response to an artwork dominated by certain groups of colors without others.
Color is the photographer's way of expressing himself and what the unconscious contains, whatever the artistic direction in which he works.
The research deals with the expressive values ​​of color through the relationship of color to the internal and psychological expression of the researcher and its projection on the elements of formation that exceed the limits of the realistic form to reach the essence
In her works, the researcher deals with the expressive values ​​of color and how it relates to her work in mural photography, expressing the relationship of color to internal and psychological expression and its projection on the elements of formation, and the extent of its connection with rhythm and movement, and the disparate effects it creates between the form and the ground, and the suggestion of the inner movement that expresses the expressive energy that goes beyond the limits Realistic form to reach the essence.
The researcher presented her experience through ten works, including nine works of 100 cm / 80 cm size and 80 cm / 60 cm works with mosaic material on a wooden surface.
Color plays an important role in expressing the art’s self and its inner vision of life.
2- Color is closely related to the elements of the artwork and their expression, such as movement, rhythm, balance ...
3- The concept of color varies from one environment to another, according to culture, climate, and religious heritage
4- The expressive values ​​of color have an important role in the researcher's applied experiment.


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