String Theory as a Source of Superposition in Dimensional Designs

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. and technical training- Ministry of Education-State of Kuwait


This research deals with superposition through string theory as an entry point for three-dimensional decorative designs, with the aim of finding new experimental approaches to superposition processes that benefit in creating three-dimensional designs. The radical transformations in modern and contemporary arts, especially since the late twentieth century, and that many indications and indicators confirm that it will also be a distinctive form of the features and structure of art in the twenty-first century, and many contemporary scientific theories that affected the various scientific, intellectual and artistic fields emerged.
An attempt to take advantage of some of these contemporary scientific theories and the possibility of employing them in the field of three-dimensional decorative designs, by addressing one of the important design processes, which is superposition and tracking how to achieve it through one of these contemporary scientific theories, namely string theory in particular, as this theory is related to order and movement in the universe, and from Here this theory can give new design solutions and approaches to treating the overlap, which gives various results in the field of three-dimensional decorative designs,
This is done through experimental manual and computer work in which the overlay design is achieved through the real and delusional third dimension, the superposition works to collect the design vocabulary and achieves a kind of unity and coherence between the design elements, and there are many forms of expression of this term where some saw it as a mere meaning, and saw it Some of the second foundations for the assembly of elements in space, and the third some saw it as a process of formulation.


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