Visual integration in the combination of the methods of hammering and sawing in metalwork

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of art education Minia university


The two methods of hammering and sawing have been chosen to be the basis for the formulation of the metalwork in this paper, and the complementary relationship arising from the coupling of two different techniques in forming, where the combination of methods of forming by cutting and those without cutting was the main entrance in establishing the aesthetic experience of this research. The experiment aimed to benefit from the combination of the forging and sawing methods to achieve a visual complementary relationship in the metalwork, through visual tracking of the aspects of communication based on the structural system represented in the structural idea of the design elements and how to formulate the formation relationships between the shape and its repetitions and the presence of a line that divides the element into two parts, one part is executed with the technique of forging and the other part is implemented with a different technique, the sawing. Hence, results of the technical experiment were analyzed to find out how the visual integration occurs through the combination of these two methods. A set of results have been reached, the most important of which are: the use of the techniques such as sawing and forging worked on the richness and diversity of surfaces and achieved rhythm through symmetry, exchange, succession, miniaturization and enlargement of the same shape in order to achieve repetition and highlight the aesthetics of the metalwork, also to emphasize that the aesthetic values arising from the metal formation are based on light and the important role it plays in highlighting the different formations, where the gradation from dull light to faint to dark shades makes the eye move and wander smoothly through the artistic work and enjoy it. Furthermore, a new plastic integral vision was achieved through the combination of the two methods of forming by forging and forming by sawing and reaching a mutual relationship between them that works to support and expand the vision of the metalwork and reveal new possibilities for enriching the field of metalwork.


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