A Modern Vision for Designing a Secured Pharmaceutical Package in the Arab Countries

Document Type : Original Article


Imam mohamed ibn saud university


The pharmaceutical packaging industry is considered one of the important factors for developing the pharmaceutical industry and increasing the export rate. Packages differ according to the type of medicine; whether tablets, capsules or creams, and according to the raw materials; whether glass or plastic. The pharmaceutical packaging industry has witnessed development in terms of shape, quality and use of technology, but there are still obstacles facing local companies’ pharmaceutical packages, most notably the sharp competition with imported packages.
There are types of pharmaceutical packaging, including local and imported, that are characterized by high quality, but at high prices with the cost of shipping and transportation, which is considered a burden on the pharmaceutical companies. In return, the local pharmaceutical packages are characterized by convenient prices and costs for pharmaceutical companies, but there are technical defectsز
Secured design is an important element of security that contributes to combating counterfeiting packages. The secured methods for packages are determined according to several variables, including the type of packaging and the material. In addition to the fact that there are secured elements that may be apparent and other elements that are hidden. The apparent secured elements are those that can be distinguished by using the human senses, without the need for tools, such as:
) Hologram image - thermal inks - color-changing inks - watermark - safe design elements such as gels and embossed elements. (Invisible secured elements are those that require tools to be detected such as UV rays, detectors, microscopes, etc.
In this study, the researcher gives a comparative sight at the designs of local and imported packaging and sheds light on the importance of a secured design that achieves artistic beauty and security.
Research problem: The scarcity of insurance methods for designing pharmaceutical packages in Arab countries, and their lack of some innovative design aspects compared to imported packages.
Research objective:
- The research aims to develop design ideas that protect pharmaceutical packages produced in Arab countries from any counterfeiting process.
- Developing design insurance mechanisms for the pharmaceutical package design system by means of specialized digital programs, and reformulating them and their outputs according to an integrated insurance concept.
Research methodology: Descriptive, analytical and experimental method.
Key words: secured elements - anti-counterfeiting - printed identity - visible secured elements - hidden secured elements.


Main Subjects

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