The interactive relationship between those interested in design in the field of product displayand visualization (Designer - Implementer - Seller - Consumer)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Helwan University, College of Applied Arts

2 I. D. DEPT Applied Arts, Helwan U.

3 Professor, Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University


The interactive relationship between those interested in design in the field of showing the industrial product (designer - executor - seller - consumer). And we are talking here about the methods of showing the documents of the industrial product in its different stages to those interested in the product. Cases of interest are the stages of the process that the product focuses on. The methods and methods used to show the industrial product to those interested must keep pace with the modern technological age and use the latest methods of product display (using virtual reality techniques) to reach the stage of persuasion for those interested. The phenomenon of persuasion is one of the most important philosophical phenomena that affect the manner of presenting a topic, problem, or product to a person, and the viewer is always interested in reaching the optimal style of presentation to reach positive persuasion, and when we talk about methods of presenting products, which is one of the most important activities for The product is related to strengthening the level of user satisfaction with the product, and the variety of its methods and forms, from indicative panels and horizontal and vertical documents, to the huge group of advanced technological display methods, including what is called virtual reality. It is one of the most important methods of presentation, as it is a term applied to computer simulations of environments that can be physically simulated in some places in the real world, and that in conceptual worlds
The design activity in the third millennium crystallized in the light of the phenomenon of globalization and was based on information technology in the fields of operating software and performance arts and design display in achieving consolidation through addition of knowledge in the areas of industrial product display
The interactive relationship between those interested in design in the field of displaying the industrial product shows the extent of the needs for using modern technologies in showing the required requirements through the environment that define the relationships between the parties to the product design process. The different uses of virtual reality provide the required form of showing the product design process with the required features of convincing and dazzling, ease of modification, redesign and others.


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