Simulation of the ancient Islamic houses Architecturally and ornamentally partially With a contemporary vision

Document Type : Original Article


1 Suez University - College of Education - Department of Art Education

2 Consultant in Interior Architecture Faculty of Fine Arts Helwan University Egypt

3 Analyst & Connoisseur in Egyptian Civilizations Consultant in Interior Architecture Faculty of Fine Arts Helwan University Egypt


SimulatiSimulation of the ancient Islamic houses
Architecturally and ornamentally partially With a contemporary vision
The architectural composition, of the ancient Islamic houses in Cairo
-with its rich ornaments, is considered the most important formations which characterized by environmental harmony, in terms of the biological human being, nature, climate, and the prevailing social life at the time, It is an expression of the personality and culture of a nation, with what it represents in terms of connection between social and spiritual addition, and the adaptation of the basic materials for construction according to the environmental nature.
The ancient Islamic houses are a model for environmentally Green houses, fits with contemporary global thought,
These houses have a special charm with all its aesthetic, architectural and ornamental elements that captivate the viewer.
For example, “Gayer – Anderson” who decided to get retired and to spend the rest of his life in one of those charming ancient houses in Cairo, with all its magic, calm, and greatness at the same time, as he wants to derive from it a life full of creativity and artistry.
Who did not have this dream? The dream of coexistence surrounded by this beauty mixed with the scents of history.
Hence the question of this research:
What does it look like to live in these houses - as, “Gayer – Anderson” did in his unique experience - Without touching the house itself?
What about the idea of imitating them with their unique formations?
An integrated residential complex for living as a local citizen or as a tourist, to quench the thirst of heritage lovers from all over the world, by building similar models of Islamic ancient houses, that already exist, after treating their elements to suit the modern era in terms of materials, exploiting and modifying interior spaces.. Etc.
Research aims:
1- Simulating partially Islamic houses architecturally and ornamentally, and formulating them with a contemporary vision for a local coexistence and tourism investment through a contemporary housing complex.
2- Reviving the lost heritage handicrafts through this contemporary residential complex.


Main Subjects

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