The Engagement of the Concept of Postmodernism With Contemporary Plastic Formulation in Art Education Students' Artworks

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University

2 Faculty of Home Economics - Helwan University


The education of art is a response of varying circumstances in contemporary world. The current research aims to detect the relevance of concept to contemporary plastic formulations and its impact on the artworks of students of the faculty of Art Education in some Hand Weaving and Handicraft curriculums. The researchers have focused on the visual culture as a main pillar of the concepts of creativity, that would expand knowledge and enriches relations as it is described as an approach that strengthens the links between different life aspects and the artistic product to achieve the sustainable development to the society.
The researchers have studied some concepts about the main concept which is art appropriation, and re-contextualization and juxtaposition as two main subordinates.
Also, the research shows that these concepts are considered intellectual and plastic approaches as a springboard that the participants of art expresses ideas and experiences through. As well as through the practical framework, the experiment is designed and applied on a sample of students in the 4th and 5th stage.
The research recommended studying the different concepts of postmodern arts and including them in the programs and courses of the different academic groups. Also, the trend is going towards more studies on contemporary concepts and philosophical values that includes the works of artists, in order to benefit from them in new formulations of artistic work. As well as updating appropriate educational strategies in accordance with postmodern principles and contemporary concepts ... taking into consideration the mental, cognitive and skill aspects that leads to creative practices from a multi-faceted perspective that is related to the artistic output and its societal impact in finding solutions to the problems of sustainable development.
The main conclusion of this research is that it is possible to present contemporary artifact in Hand Weaving and Handicrafts according to some concepts, and to express through it the visual reading of the local and global culture as a source for enriching intellect and formulations.


Main Subjects

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