Interior design and furniture aesthetics on the royal yacht (Mahroussa)

Document Type : Original Article


Interior design and Furniture Department - Faculty of Applied Arts – Bennha Unvesity


When the artistic beauty embraces history in the first royal Egyptian yacht is the yacht 'Mahroussa' the most famous and important yachts in the world, being a witness to important historical events that made him worthy of the pages of history, it is not only a historical yacht but a masterpiece of beauty for those who wanted to taste beauty. We need to return to Egypt's artistic heritage and establish the civilizational values of this heritage after Egyptian architecture has lost its distinctive personality through the ages.
The interior design and furniture of the yacht from the inside had a very special philosophy; Its diverse halls are designed with touches from all the different civilizations that flourished on the land of Egypt, beginning with the ancient Egyptian civilization, Islamic and others in an artistic mix that tells the history of guarded Egypt.
The yacht "Mahroussa" is considered one of the largest floating palaces in the world due to its extreme luxury in its interior design and its luxurious collectibles of exquisite furniture, paintings and rare pieces of art. Its historical importance comes when it participated in the opening of the Suez Canal for the first time in November 1869 and was the first marine boat to sail in. Many kings, presidents and important historical figures have passed through it; Where he was the face of Egypt in international forums. And its star rose again in August 2015 with the opening of the new Suez Canal. This study came to shed light on this wonderful artistic mix, to benefit from this rare cultural heritage and to realize its artistic and historical value, especially in that era in Egypt's history, which represented in its content a turning point and a transitional period between classical and modern arts as it was a turning point in the history of Egypt. It witnessed the demise of the monarchy when the last king of Egypt was transferred to his final exile and the beginning of a new era in Egypt.


Main Subjects

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    ثالثاً: صفحات شبکة الإنترنت:
