The Visual Semiotics Of The City And The Manifestations Of The Architectural Heritage In Contemporary Painting

Document Type : Original Article


Painting Department - Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria University - Eygpt


The excitement of the spiritual bonds related to the holiness of the place, makes the architectural heritage become a multi-semantic and meaning icon and becomes a source of inspiration and a vital source of creativity that connects the heritage of the past to the present and sees the painter elements with the eye of his heart and dives into a spiritual world, receiving himself moments of astonishment and radiance, Then that astonishment turns into a creative act that embodies the spatial space and reveals what the building hides from the accumulations of time and art, shows the semantic depth of the scene painted, which exceeds the sense of sight to the vision of the heart, the harmony between the parts of the architectural edifice confirms The fluidity of the motion of human beings that is spreading throughout the place and the surrounding space, the power of the effect of the scene on the recipient and the self-impulsive towards what is hidden from its secrets.
The historical transformations that accompanied the existence of the building and its architecture over the ages have made it transform from a structure with a functional purpose to a civilized space filled with secrets and a reflective mirror for historical events and the biography of unknown personalities related to it
when the city turns into a visual icon, it becomes saturated with many symbols that can be read and perceived as we realize the signs, meanings, and many semantics, and that visual knowledge is varied by the diversity of images sent by it to produce a new framework of culture based on visual on the authentic links of human communication with the city.
Research problem:
The study reflects the practical painting experience of the state of the researcher's integration with Russian society and the attempts to approach customs, traditions, and cultural heritage of the inhabitants of St.Petersburg who were distinguished by their love of history and their preservation of the past, the succession of those cultural connotations was considered spaces that are saturated with visible and internal meanings. All these scenes were fertile soil for me to try to express the states of compatibility and communication between humans and architectural heritage in the art of painting. 


Main Subjects

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