Incorporating the integrated marketing communication concepts from an economic perspective into the design of interior tourism advertising (Applied to heritage tourism in Egypt)

Document Type : Original Article


Advertising department faculty of applied arts Benha university


The country’s interest nowadays to increase attention to its heritage, as a basic pillars of tourism in all countries of the world, andits vitality to economic growth, where the heritage is associated with tourism with a closely mutually beneficial item, which can be strengthened from the attraction and competitiveness of areas and destinations in the other countries. Heritage tourism is defined as the experience of travel to places and activities that are the originality of heritage, past and present, including history, culture and natural resources, it is also includes all the dynamic tourism activities and events that use and market their cultural resources and treasures of national heritage in an attractive cultural and aesthetic manner, which can be done through tourism advertising. Because mass communication is the process by which information, ideas, and other trends are communicated by professionals using mechanical or other means to communicate the message quickly and continuously to a large number of individuals in order to awoke, provoke or affect specific responses in a variety of ways. Integrated marketing communication is one of the most important modern communication strategies that global companies and organizations have been using and implementing widely. By using an integrated marketing communications strategy, corporate patterns of communication and marketing become consistent and integrated by selecting the most appropriate advertising media to serve the idea and enhance the impact on the recipient. Thus, the organization's reputation and image are more visible to more trusted customers. Integrated marketing communications aim for a company or organization to deal with integrated media rather than the need to overpower the recipient. It can be at most one or two means by which to integrate the idea, enhance impact and reduce cost, so integrated marketing communications emphasize a unified approach that brings harmony to customers and confirms company identity and image. The research is intended to provide a proposed vision for integrating the integrated marketing communication concepts into the design of domestic tourism advertising with application to heritage tourism, taking into account the economic aspect of the campaign.The research focuses on three themes: the first focuses on the study of integrated marketing communications concept, objectives and characteristics; the second focuses on the study of the concept of heritage tourism and the characteristics of advertising. The research concludes with a vision of the stages of integrating the integrated marketing communication concepts into the design of heritage tourism advertising.


Main Subjects

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