The Color and its impact on theatrical aesthetics

Document Type : Original Article


Division Arts Expressifs - Département Décoration - Faculté des Beaux-Arts - Université de Louxor


ne. Many directors in the field of cinema have benefited from these meanings and psychological connotations of color in their works, as the psychological impact of color appears in the theatrical scene.
Through research, some artworks are monitored and analyzed by the theory Color has great merit in the process of sight, in addition to the fact that the feeling of color increases the visual sensation, and then the perception and distinction between things very quickly.
Color has a different meaning depending on the feelings that it provokes, it also plays a very important role in the world around a person, as it can influence his feelings, thinking, reactions, and the things he chooses.
It is well known that the plastic arts are mainly based on the formation with a set of the available materials to the artist, so that he can produce an art work that expresses the aesthetic and utilitarian needs at the same time, and one of the most important of these materials is (colors); as It expresses the culture and history of peoples and reflexes the human impressions, colors indicates the Man’s taste and sophistication, and have their effect on people’s mood, as it convey a strong expression, evoke special feelings, and affect the soul with certain effects that differ from one person to another.. Colors also help in the process of artistic blending between realism, art and aesthetic effects of the visual image through achieving color harmony in the dramatic situation. There are different uses of colors in the artwork, including the use of color for its own aesthetic value, and there is the use of color in a symbolic use.
There is no doubt that colors are an important factor in creating the appropriate atmosphere and influencing the theatrical scene with its aesthetic values, besides designing Decoration, lighting, clothing and makeup, to form an integrated artistic vision for the dramatic work. Color plays a vital role in the design of the theatrical scene. It also works to highlight the unity of the dramatic event, and the relationship of the characters with the contents of the composition of the sceclarifying of its meaning and importance.


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